Report Automation

Reclaim time spent on your manual report creation processes.

Are one or more of your teams spending countless hours manually creating reports? Say goodbye to the hassle and welcome instant report generation into your workflows. With Power BI paginated reports, you can save valuable time and significantly reduce the costs associated with manual report creation.

By leveraging the power of Power BI paginated reports, you can efficiently generate and distribute pixel-perfect reports in various formats (including PDF, PowerPoint, Word, and Excel), allowing you to focus on operational or strategic decision-making rather than tedious report generation. Our report automation experts can make it so.

Reclaim time spent on your manual report creation processes.

Our report automation consultants can help you with:

  • Identifying opportunities for report automation
  • Building reports optimised for PDF exports
  • Building reports optimised for PowerPoint exports
  • Fully or partially automating one-pagers, board packs, and other multi-page reports
  • Power BI paginated report best practice audits
  • Power BI paginated report optimisations or look and feel improvements
  • Incorporating Power BI paginated reports into a holistic data strategy
  • And more...

We deliver value iteratively and incrementally.

Process Graphic

What do you get with us?

  • Access to a flexible team of analytics experts and project managers
  • Organic knowledge transfer to your in-house team to boost their capability
  • An on-going partnership that consistenly delivers significant business value
  • Free ad-hoc guidance and advice on relevant analytics and AI technologies
  • One month of standard support for free with your first engagement
  • A rate that stays frozen for 18 months even if our standard rate increases
  • And the list goes on...

What comes next?

Follow these three simple steps to get the ball rolling. It doesn't get much simpler!

1 - Get in touch

Use the quick form below or the full form here

2 - Initial consultation

We'll arrange an initial consultation

3 - Your proposal

After the consultation we'll send a proposal

Take the first step

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